Course curriculum

    1. >>> WATCH ME FIRST!

    2. Support & Feedback

    1. The Leap

    2. QUIZ: The Leap

    3. Exercise 1 - Connect the 9 Dots

    4. Exercise 2 - ALL IN! Long list

    1. The Decision Distinction

    2. QUIZ: The Decision Distinction

    3. No Doubt

    4. Exercise - Hierarchy of Certainty

    1. ALL IN! vs. Other

    2. QUIZ: ALL IN! vs. Other

    3. The HOW is in the WHAT

    4. Exercise - Draft Decision Statements

    1. Am I In? How Do I Get In??

    2. QUIZ: Am I In? How Do I Get In??

    3. Exercise - DECIDE!

    1. ALL IN! All The Time

    2. QUIZ: ALL IN! All the Time?

    3. Exercises

    4. Visualize Perfection

    5. Become A Thought Warrior

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Now It's Time For You To Get ALL IN!

I Was ALL IN! when I created ALL IN!

On October 30, 2010, I attended a life altering lecture that was delivered by my life coach at the time, Steve Hardison. The lecture was on the power of infinite commitment. That very evening I decided (that's the operative word - DECIDE - and you'll hear it a thousand times in this course) to return to my non-smoking status. I had been smoking about a pack a day for many years. I made the decision from the place of absolute commitment, or what I now refer to as the ALL IN! State, and almost 8 years later I haven't had one cigarette nor have I had even the remotest of cravings. As a consequence of my decision, I was and I am done with smoking. Forever. And I know it. And I love it.

Two months later, on Christmas Eve, I awoke and was remarkably inspired to record what I had been obsessing over since that lecture – just how powerful we all are when we choose to enter into the ALL IN! State. So I got my recording equipment out and canned the original ALL IN! 1.0 audio program in ONE TAKE. I was totally in the zone. Since then, it has been my best-selling product – by far.

Fast forward almost 8 years and I decided to transform the audio program into a thorough digital course complete with video lectures, PDFs, quizzes and exercises. My motivation to do so is to teach you something so tremendously important that the vast majority of us never learned in school, or anywhere else, and it is this: we all possess the ability at all times to get infinitely committed – ALL IN! - and when we do, there is no stopping us.

Think about your greatest desires in life. Think about the things you've never gone for. The things you've waited to attempt. The things you've attempted with only temporary commitment and failed to create. And now think about how you are, or how you could be, when the possibility of failure is nonexistent in your field of consciousness. What if you could be that person much more often, and with the things that matter most to you?

That is why I have created this course. My firm belief is that none of us needs to settle. We are designed to create miracles. And we possess the ability to alter our states rapidly and the ALL IN! State is the ultimate psychological state for getting shit done. So my mission here is to help you to fully appreciate the nature and the power of the ALL IN! State, how to create it at will, and how to use it to manifest excellence in all disciplines of your life.

Get Started Now

The #1 mistake people make in the pursuit of excellence? Waiting.